The GED Algebra Skill Series: Linear Equations (EDUCATOR VERSION)
Get the digital version of Solving for X for unlimited distribution to your local campust location at a one-time cost of $199 - no annual subscription fees. For the cost of 20 digital copies you get lifetime distribution rights to your local campus location! Available to schools, libraries, prisons, government and non-profit organizations only - no publishers or resellers.
Get the reprintable version of Solving for X for unlimited reprints to your local campus location at a one-time cost of $349. For the cost of 23 paperback copies you get lifetime reprint rights to your local campus location! Available to schools, libraries, prisons, government and non-profit organizations only - no publishers or resellers.
55% of the GED® Math Test questions are algebra skill and word problem questions. There are three minimum algebra skills that are required for student success on the math test. These skills are:
- Positive and Negative Numbers
- Solving for X
- Linear Equations
The GED® Algebra Skill Series is a three part workbook series—each workbook covers one of the three individual minimum algebra skills.
The GED® Algebra Skill Series: Linear Equations includes:
A winning strategy to pass the math test
A GED® Math Test overview
Plotting and Identifying Points on the Graph
Finding the Slope
Graphing the Line of an Equation
Writing an the Equation of a Line
Word problem exercises focused on processing development
A free video channel demonstrating 10 workbook problems